Herbal tea blends. Everything has grown into an herb.
Nature in all its diversity. The Inca remedy Lapacho, South American Mate or herbs from grandma's garden. Rounded off with natural aromas, alveus® has created a diverse world of flavors that can cheer, revive or simply do well. Whether chamomile or fennel in an upset stomach, currant or peppermint for colds - herbal teas combine beneficial effects with natural pleasure. But they are also the perfect thirst quencher and provide with their variety for delicious variety Cup for cup. The taste of unlimited possibilities. Using the power of herbs is an ancient tradition. alveus® not only offers you high-quality base herbs, but also well-tried and innovative tea blends. We take leaves, flowers, fruits and aromas, combine peppermint, ginger, pineapple, nettle, lemongrass and much more over again. Sometimes fruity refreshments, sometimes spicy feel-good teas. But always there is a real taste experience. Incidentally, herbal teas do not contain caffeine (apart from mate) and are popular in all age groups. They should be infused with bubbly boiling water and pulled for at least 5 minutes.